Books And Other Fetishes

Books And Other Fetishes

Reading books is not merely a PASSION of mine, it's a NEED!!! It's what I do and being a bookworm is something I'm proud of because I feel like I'm a part of some special and extraordinary world that other people can't reach...unless they start reading books, of course! Though I love to read ANYTHING I can get my hands on, I love romance and supernatural themed novels and love discussing them with crazies like myself!!

Better Than I Expected!! :D
The Hollow - Jessica Verday

Don’t you love it when a book that had you feeling skeptical and doubtful turns out to be worth reading? Well, that’s the Hollow series in a nutshell...dark AND romantic! Now that I‘ve decided that any book in which I get totally absorbed and which I am unable to put down deserves at least four stars anyway, I am going to give this series an honest review. I enjoyed the trilogy so much that I read all three of them in three days without stopping to breathe...L.J Smith‘s words that these books ‘make you keep on reading without coming up for air‘ hit right on the spot! I had missed this feeling where you get drunk with the story and the characters and reading this series brought it all back. The plot reminds me of the Mediator series by Meg Cabot because the girl can see dead people including a really cute guy! I found the heroine, Abigail, okay enough but her attitude with her parents really got on my nerves and the words ‘ungrateful brat’ often came to my mind. The guy, Caspian, was so so so sweet and caring and an absolute gentleman...I liked his combination of green eyes and ‘shockingly white-blond’ hair with a black stripe in the middle! :p Yes, there were some loopholes and the ending was a bit rushed and unsatisfactory. Nevertheless, I had a great time with the books and THAT is what‘s important!

I Would Never Try This...
I Would Never Try This...
Ah...Us Poor Bookworms!
Ah...Us Poor Bookworms!
That's Totally Me! :-P
That's Totally Me! :-P
5 Stars
I Love Love Love This Book!!!
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins

Before I go on, let me just state the fact that there are not enough words to praise this book...I could go on forever but I'll TRY to limit my gushing in this review. Firstly, you have Etienne St.Clair (I LOVE the name!) who is definitely NOT a bad-boy but is this incredibly witty, funny and OF COURSE, extremely attractive guy and his British accent (swoon!) makes him even more so. Then, you have Anna Oliphant who is a very likable heroine and I really enjoyed reading it all from her POV. Next, the setting of the story...PARIS!!! In other words, you have the perfect setting for romance plus I loved getting to know about it's culture and sights and everything. Getting back to St.Clair and Anna, I absolutely ADORED every second of their relationship; their first encounter, the instant connection and friendship, their every conversation of which most involved hilarious retorts being exchanged back and forth, his gifts including the left-handed notebook (He remembers that Anna is left sweet!), the banana bead and the love poetry book, the way they understand and help each other with their family drama, the two of them being jealous of the other's girlfriend/crush, how Anna goes on to be the only person who calls him Etienne and not St.Clair like everyone I said, EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. I also loved the whole group of friends (Josh, Meredith and Rashmi) and their interactions with each other...each of them are great characters in their own right. Sigh, the scene at the end when St.Clair and Anna finally put words to their love for each other is HEART MELTING. This book and this love story will NEVER get old and stay with me forever (I've only read it about a million times :-P) and Etienne St.Clair is one of THE best guy characters out there. I just cannot believe that this the author's DEBUT  novel...incredible! 

Silly But Still So True...
Silly But Still So True...
4.5 Stars
A Perfect Ending!
Isla and the Happily Ever After - Stephanie Perkins I missed this. The feelings and the excitement and of course, the ROMANCE...everything associated with Stephenie Perkin's books! I remember when I first (had the extremely good fortune to) read 'Anna and the french kiss' and I fell in love with it INSTANTLY! I'll praise it properly in it's own review but my point is that it was the BEST no doubt and 'Isla and the happily ever after' comes second to it. Still, I really really enjoyed reading it and the romance was drool-worthy as expected with the Josh and Isla moments making me grin like a moron...they were so so so CUTE! We get to see a new side of Josh and I love the sweet-vulnerable-caring side as much as the bad boy-brooding artist side of him. The way he treats Isla and those sketches and his graphic was all so damn romantic that it almost made me swoon (sigh)! As for Isla, I liked her better than Lola but her stupid insecurities irritated me especially when they led her to break up with Josh in the middle. AAAAAND the icing on top??? Etienne and Anna get ENGAGED!!!!!! I felt like shrieking for joy and I'll insert a big YAHOO here for my favourite couple anyway! I loved this book and now I'm going to read it again in order to savour every moment of it! :-)

A Common Dilemma For Us Bookworms!
A Common Dilemma For Us Bookworms!

Sigh...this is exactly how I felt when Damon died in the Vampire Diaries series :'(

HILARIOUS...Even For Ex-Twihards!
HILARIOUS...Even For Ex-Twihards!
Something To Ponder...
Something To Ponder...
3.5 Stars
P.S. I Don't See What All The Fuss Is About...
P.S. I Love You - Cecelia Ahern

Today, I finally read the novel that has been mentioned so many times by so many people and which, according to it's cover, is Cecilia Ahern's BESTSELLING debut novel and I found it...likable enough. That's it. Here's what I loved about the story: Gerry and his heart-melting final letters OF COURSE (which added that special and unique touch to the story). Aside from that, I enjoyed all the scenes with Holly's family in them and I thought her friends, Sharon and Denise, were the bestest and truest friends a girl could have. 

However, the rest of it was not completely satisfying especially the ending where Daniel, the potential love interest, took a complete U-turn after declaring his feelings for Holly. I was unsure whether they would get together in the end but any outcome would have been fine. I just didn't expect him to get back together with his ex-fiance'. Not in a million years. Honestly, throughout the book, I didn't find Daniel himself interesting enough (like Holly). He was BORING so I didn't even feel excited for them to end up together. In short, I did have a good time reading this book and some scenes made me choke up and smile and laugh even BUT all I can say is that I'm glad that this wasn't the first book I read written by Cecilia Ahern!

Book Addicts Completely Get It...
Book Addicts Completely Get It...
4.5 Stars
The Book of Tomorrow - Cecelia Ahern

Cecilia Ahern. Is. A. Genius. No doubt about that. Her stories, with that special touch of fairytales and magic, are one of a kind and I liked every book of hers that I've read but I enjoyed this one the most (aside from Thanks For The Memories because it's so romantic, of course :-D) because firstly, Tamara Goodwin is around my age and while I love the older heroines too, this one's more relatable...I feel a stronger connection to the story. Secondly, the plot is more interesting and suspenseful and the whole 'secret diary' thing is another thing I could relate to, seeing as I keep a journal myself (though mine definitely does NOT predict the future!). The presence of Weseley, a cute guy who's always there for Tamara throughout the story, was the icing on top! All in all, a grrreat read.

P.S I love the cover's so pretty!

Once You Pick Them Up, They're In Control
Once You Pick Them Up, They're In Control
Why Don't People Get The Hint?
Why Don't People Get The Hint?

Just are trying to read a book and are totally and obviously absorbed in the act when a cousin or sibling decides to grace you with their company. Then begins their non-stop babble and even though all you do is nod and say uh huh alot, it's no use. Some even drag you away to look at something that can definitely wait until you're makes me want to pull my hair out!!! Seriously, we should put a sign on our foreheads saying HELLO TRYING TO READ if it isn't obvious already. :-P